Wish Stories We have granted nearly 3,000 wishes in 50 states.Browse wishes and read older adults’ inspiring stories. Search for:Search Button Essie Honors Her Husband’s Tuskegee Airman Legacy with Intertwined WishesCommemorating Service Mary Beth and Her Daughter Heal in SedonaReconnecting Loved Ones Rock On! Harold Meets the Rolling StonesFulfilling Lifelong Dreams John’s Hometown Memorial Day CelebrationCommemorating Service Vietnam War Veteran Neil Returns to HawaiiCommemorating Service Memories and Mist at Niagara FallsFulfilling Lifelong Dreams Ray Ann Returns to Grand Canyon National ParkRenewing & Celebrating Passions Jesse Finds Joy in Her Volunteering RootsRenewing & Celebrating Passions History Comes to Life for Carolyn in Washington, D.C.Fulfilling Lifelong Dreams Roohee’s First Writer’s RetreatFulfilling Lifelong Dreams Barbara Embarks on a Whale-Watching AdventureFulfilling Lifelong Dreams Mabel Rediscovers Joy through QuiltingRenewing & Celebrating Passions Mary Fulfills Her Western Dreams in WyomingFulfilling Lifelong Dreams Molly and Earl’s Love Grows to New LengthsFulfilling Lifelong Dreams Lifelong Pianist June Fulfills Dream to Play with OrchestraFulfilling Lifelong Dreams Mike and John Reconnect at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial WallCommemorating Service « Older Entries Next Entries »