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Submit a Wish

Granting wishes changes lives

Nominate someone you know, or submit your own life-changing wish.

Why granting wishes matters

older adult wish recipient reunited with her family to elimate feelings of isolation

Why Wishes?

Wishes connect older adults to people, purpose, and passions to eliminate feelings of isolation and help them live vibrant, purposeful lives.

WWII Veteran's wish celebrates his service and sacrifices with ripple effect on community

Lasting Effects

Helping older adults achieve long-held or deeply meaningful dreams can have tremendous positive outcomes on their health, purpose, and sense of value.

older adult taking ballet lessons inspires us to see aging in new light

Celebrating Lives

One incredible life story at a time, we are changing the perception of aging—not just how we view our oldest citizens, but also how we see and value ourselves as we age.

America’s oldest citizens are interesting and inspiring people. They are our history, our teachers, and our wisdom keepers. Each of us knows a older adult who has impacted our lives for the better. However, many older adults feel isolated, alone and unimportant. As our older adult population explodes in the coming years, the problem of social isolation will too. LEARN MORE >

How a Wish Comes True

How a Wish Comes True - Nomination


Image of a man making notesWishes are submitted via our online application form. Anyone can submit a wish, and all applications are reviewed carefully by our wish team. Become a Wish Nominator by submitting an application for a deserving older adult in your community!

Nomination > Funding > Fulfillment > Share the Story

How a Wish Comes True

How a Wish Comes True - Funding


Illustration of money symbolThrough your generous donations, partnerships and volunteer-led fundraising efforts, we are able to grant Wishes for hundreds of deserving older adults across the United States each year. Every dollar makes a difference - learn more about how you can help make a dream come true.

Nomination > Funding > Fulfillment > Share the Story

How a Wish Comes True

How a Wish Comes True


Illustration of a wish box with star coming outWe have a team of experienced Wish-granters based in Denver who make our wishes happen all across the country! We enlist the help of businesses, organizations, nominators and volunteers in hundreds of communities to participate and make each Wish a truly special experience.

Nomination > Funding > Fulfillment > Share the Story

How a Wish Comes True

How a Wish Comes True

Share the Story

Illustration of conversation bubbles and starsA Wish can change a life, but a story can change the world. We need your help to change the culture of aging and show people the value of our oldest generations. Find your favorite Wish Story and share it with your friends and network!

Nomination > Funding > Fulfillment > Share the Story