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Robert Visits the Ark Encounter

Robert, 79, of Brookdale Paducah in Kentucky, is a deeply religious man who has dreamed of visiting the Ark Encounter ever since it was built in July 2016. Noah is Robert’s favorite Biblical person, noting, “When I meet Noah in heaven, I would like to ask him questions about the ark and how he lived so long.” The Ark Encounter is a full-scale model of Noah’s Ark, a dream come true for Robert. The Ark includes three floors of exhibits detailing what Noah’s life was like. Not only does his strong faith guide Robert towards this attraction, but also his background in education.

Robert worked as a sixth-grade teacher for 30 years, and his love of learning and history has never diminished. He believes that there is always room for people to grow and learn more about our present-day world through the re-creation of historical artifacts and events. Before he came to Brookdale, one of Robert’s many hobbies was raising Sheltie Collie dogs; he raised almost 40 throughout his career, and some of them went on to win dog-show awards. These days, you’ll find Robert collecting baseball cards, reading, and being on Facebook with lots of friends.

Robert’s faith in God has also remained steadfast throughout his life. He volunteered for his hometown church for 30 years and his current church for another 30 years. He attends service every Sunday and assists anyone in any way he can. He also helped the American Cancer Society spread their mission by sending out cards on behalf of the organization.

Wish of a Lifetime and Brookdale Senior Living sent Robert on his own personal pilgrimage to the Ark Encounter on July 25, 2017. As a lifelong Christian, this wish not only fulfilled his love of learning but also served as a new way of experiencing his faith. His companion, Chris, said, “the Ark was 7 stories high and the wax figures looked so real. Robert said it was the best thing he has ever done. There are not enough words to describe it.” Robert shared, “It was more than I ever imagined; it was wonderful.”

Photography by: Tammy Lanham, Tammy Lanham Images

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