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Shirley’s Hot-Air Balloon Adventure

Family is at the core of Shirley’s heart. Throughout her life, she’s taken every opportunity to provide for her family however she could. Shirley’s home is always open and has been a safe, loving space for her kids and grandkids to grow. At age 86, she remains a beacon of light to all around her.

Frank, Shirley’s grandson, knows this firsthand. When Shirley’s daughter could not provide for Frank due to addiction and hardship, Shirley opened her home and lovingly raised Frank like a son.

She’s always been very selfless,” said Frank, Shirley’s grandson. “She has lived a life of wanting to be there for others. Her time, energy, and effort went to making sure the family unit was good.”

Shirley showed up in every way she could. She shuttled the grandkids back and forth from school events and sports practices. When her grandsons were in college, her house became a hub for community activities. Financially, Shirley dedicated all her resources to supporting the family, stepping up when someone needed help with housing or a car payment. In times of need, she’s been a caretaker for her mother and mother-in-law.

“A lot of sacrifices were made,” Frank continued. “She sacrificed her time and doing things for herself— everything was about the kids and grandkids.” Amidst the challenges and tragedies Shirley experienced, she found solace and purpose in caring for her loved ones.

But Shirley wouldn’t have it any other way. When she speaks about Frank, she is deeply proud of her role in raising the man he is today—a committed husband and father who serves his community. Frank was named Firefighter of the Year for the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department this year and was recently promoted to Battalion Chief.

When Wish of a Lifetime heard Shirley’s moving story, we seized the opportunity to celebrate her dedication to her family and recognize the selfless way she’s lived a life of kindness and compassion.

As Shirley has been reflecting on her life and aspirations, she has dreamed of a unique experience—something she’s never done before—that would broaden her horizons.

Shirley wished to embark on a one-of-a-kind, hot-air balloon ride. She believed this journey into the sky would give her great joy and fulfill a spiritual desire to be closer to God.

Before the big day, Shirley was surprised by her friends and neighbors who gathered to give her a celebratory send-off. Shirley was deeply moved when Gwenetta, also a Wish of a Lifetime recipient, read an original poem in her honor. “It was beautiful…it really brings tears to your eyes,” she said. It was the perfect catalyst for a weekend that Shirley would never forget.

True to how she’s lived her life, Shirley’s family was at the core of her wish. When the day of her wish arrived, she was accompanied by her loved ones to make the experience even more meaningful.

It was a perfect day for flying! Shirley was buzzing with anticipation as she watched the giant, colorful balloon become inflated and begin to grow.

She easily found her footing in the basket and climbed aboard for the ride of a lifetime. Shirley felt the warmth and love of her family members accompanying her for this incredible moment.

We could see Shirley’s bright smile grow bigger with joy before the balloon finally rose out of sight. After her momentous journey, Shirley was almost at a loss for words to describe her experience.

“This was heaven; I’m still in the clouds!” She said. “And I got to share this with my son.”

She and Frank shared a deep laugh about how she wondered what the speckles far below them were, and Frank exclaimed, “…Cows!” They had nothing but kind words to say about their fantastic pilot and expressed their immense gratitude for the Wish of a Lifetime from the AARP team.

“I’ve done it all now; I’ve done it all,” Shirley shared emotionally. “I’m so happy.”

Since her wish experience, Shirley has encouraged others to take the leap to articulate their dreams.

“Just try,” she said. “Think about what you want to do and open your heart to it. Let the words come out of you, and share what you truly want.”

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