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Angelina reunites with the memory of her late husband in DC

Angelina D. is a 91 year-old resident of Brookdale Cordova in Tennessee, who was a credit manager at a local Jewelry store for almost four decades. Angelina balanced her career with her commitment to family and was dedicated to giving back to her community. Angelina spent time working with the Alzheimer’s Association and organizing for several presidential candidates.

Angelina has led a full life, but has had trouble moving past the loss of her late husband Thomas (an Army Colonel), who passed after a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease. Angelina took care of her husband for three years while we was struggling from his disease, and when it was time to move her husband into a nursing home, Angelina spent every day and many nights with her husband. Angelina’s husband died in 2008, and she has not been back to his gravesite since the year of his death. Angelina’s Wish of a Lifetime is to go to Arlington National Cemetary and visit her husband’s gravesite.

Wish of a Lifetime and Brookdale were thrilled to send Angelina and her two Brookdale companions, Anne Wright and Whitney Johnson, to Washington DC on June 23rd to reunite Angelina with her husband’s memory. Angelina was able to visit her husband’s grave twice and had a wonderful time sharing her special trip with two wonderful companion. “I don’t know how I can thank you enough”, said Angelina, “I never thought I would be able to return to DC.” Wish of a Lifetime is proud to have helped with this reunion, and reunite Angelina with her soulmate one last time.

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