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Come on Down, Leslie!

Leslie, 71, has always kept a positive outlook on life. As an avid resident of Brookdale, he enjoys many activities in the community, though his favorite pastime is watching the Price is Right. Leslie remembers watching the very first episode of the Price is Right nearly 50 years ago and hasn’t missed an episode since. Even Leslie’s wife got hooked, and they had always dreamed of attending a taping together one day. Sadly, his wife passed away four years ago and the two never had the chance to see a live taping together.

Leslie and his wife had a long and healthy marriage. Leslie worked as a mailman for the majority of his career, though he spent some time working for the National Guard as well. Leslie and his wife always planned to travel together and made a lot of plans for their retirement, but unfortunately these plans were never fulfilled.

After his wife passed away, Leslie began having his own health difficulties. Through these hardships, Leslie still keeps a positive attitude and tries to do the best he can with the life he has, rather than dwell on what could be different. Having no children with his wife, he has no other relatives, so he considers the staff and other residents in the community as his family. He remains very active at Brookdale, always welcoming the residents and visitors at the door and aiding the staff with organizing and promoting activities. He also is very accommodating to new residents by spending time with them and giving them reassurance that they will be taken care of.

As Leslie’s selfless nature pushes him to take care of others, he still has one wish for himself—attend a live showing of the Price is Right. On April 29th, 2016, Wish of a Lifetime and Brookdale sent Leslie with a staff member from his community to Tucson to attend a showing of The Price Is Right Live where he got to meet the producers as well as go back stage to spin the big wheel–Leslie’s spin landed right on the $1 mark. He says that he feels luckiest knowing that so many people listened to his Wish instead of thinking it was silly to make it happen. Not only was Leslie able to fulfill his own wish, but also his wife’s as well.

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