Edward “Ed” Stewart is an 89-year-old veteran residing at the Horizon Bay of Rome in Georgia. Ed served in the United States Army as a Medic during the WWII era. He served several months at the 157th General Hospital in Liverpool, England. During the infamous D-Day, Ed and his infantry were stationed in the English Channel. He explains that they were fairly close to the shore of Normandy and were constantly being fired at by the enemy forces. Ed had the opportunity to serve under General Eisenhower (prior to his Presidency), and even had the opportunity to meet well-known heroes such as General Patton and General MacArthur. Ed stated that the most difficult aspect of being a medic was the need to be prepared to run in to the line of fire in order to save someone’s life. He stated that if someone were to yell “medic”, that it was required that they help, regardless of their position in the battle field. He further explained that: “Medics were not allowed to find a hiding spot during the war”.
Ed is very proud that he had the opportunity to serve his country, and any time patriotism is mentioned, you can see Ed’s eyes fill up with tears as he is incredibly passionate about his love for the United States. Though Ed served during WWII, he never had the opportunity to view the memorials built in honor of our veterans. Ed wants nothing more than to have the opportunity to view the war memorials in Washington, D.C. He vividly remembers the war and the gruesome battle that unfolded before his eyes. Ed lost many friends during the war, some in the care of his arms. Having the opportunity to see these walls and pay respects to his fallen comrades would impact Ed’s life forever.
Wish of a Lifetime and Brookdale Rome made Ed’s Wish a reality on July 14, 2015. Ed finally had the opportunity to visit the memorials and to pay tribute to ones he lost during WWII. At the war memorials, several people came up to Ed to thank him for his service, making his trip even more moving. Not only did Ed get to visit the war memorials, but he also got a tour of the White House and U.S. Capitol. Congressman Tom Graves gave Ed and his daughter, Rita, a tour. Ed had a incredible time revisiting the most poignant period of his life and paying homage to his fellow soldiers.
Photo credit: M Harris Studios