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Edward Takes Train Ride with his Wife Clois

Edward G. (89) of Brookdale Galleria Woods is a World War II veteran that began to love trains at a very young age and that love continued much into his adulthood. Edward began collecting trains around the age of 7 years old and he later joined the National Model Railroad Association and then remained a member for 40 years. Edward and his wife Clois were both members and have many fond memories from over the years of riding the train together. They would ride the train from city to city and even volunteer for kindergarten classroom field trips and ride aboard the train with the children. The couple also enjoyed attending Railroad Conventions together each and every year. Although Edward has a very strong love for riding a train again himself, the Wish would not mean nearly as much to him if he was unable to ride it with his wife. To have this final adventure together remembering a pastime that is filled with only love and light from some of their fondest memories would be beyond impactful for Edward.

Edward served in the Army for 3 years all across the country as well as outside of the country with his main location being stationed within Germany. He served as a sergeant during WWII and received a Marksmanship Award for his services. This award is the highest award one can receive for weapon qualification. Aside from his veteran past, Edward and Clois also volunteered for many different organizations together. They met in 1949 at a local church function when Edward stepped up and showed what a remarkably kind heart he had to a young mentally incapable girl in the youth group they volunteered within. The two were very active with their neighborhood and various church volunteer work.

Edward has faced and overcome many obstacles within his lifetime but the main struggle that he has faced is being separated from his wife Clois. When they moved to the Brookdale community they had to live on separate floors due to the fact that they needed two types of care within Brookdale. This separation was an extremely difficult transition for Edward especially since they had spent the majority of their lives side by side. Having the opportunity to spend the day together is a wish of a lifetime in itself.

Wish of a Lifetime and Brookdale Senior Living were beyond excited to be sending Edward and his wife Clois to Calera, Alabama to get the opportunity to ride on a train once more. The couple went aboard an hour long scenic train ride at the Heart of Dixie Railroad Museum. They also had the opportunity to tour the museum that was located at the same venue.

Photography Credits: Hudson Photography Craig Hudson

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