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Esther Meets Dr. Oz

Esther A. is 87 years old and currently lives in Raleigh, North Carolina at the Brookdale Heritage of Raleigh. Esther is an extremely health-conscious older adult who prides herself on her healthy eating habits, exercise routines, and involvement in all health related programs at her community. Esther’s Wish of a Lifetime is to be able to attend one of Dr. Oz live show tapings.

Throughout her life, Esther has been extensively involved in volunteering at her community. She has volunteered numerous ways including being on the hospitality committee at her residency, attending hospitals to visit patients with members of her community, and helping out other residents that might be lonely or new to the Heritage of Raleigh. Additionally, Esther is a volunteer with the AARP as well as being an active member and volunteer at her church. Esther has been an active member in the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution), where she aids the non-profit in promoting patriotism and preserving history thorough education of children. Through DAR she also taught a woman to read and write.

Wish of a Lifetime and Brookdale were excited to make this wish a reality for Esther by sending her and her daughter Nancy to the Dr. Oz show. Esther and Nancy were able to sit in the front row of the audience as well and have a personal meeting with Dr. Oz after the show. Dr. Oz was very gracious that Esther had chosen to attend his show as her Wish of a Lifetime, so much so that he even gave her a kiss on the cheek! Esther and Nancy are still basking in the glory and excitement from all of the wonderful surprises that awaited them at the show!

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