Ida G. is a 92-year-old woman with a lot to say. She particularly enjoys corresponding with her pen pal, Peg. The two ladies met through the magazine, “Good Times” over a decade ago and have been writing to each other ever since. Though they have been sending each other letters for over ten years, the two ladies have never met in person, due to financial barriers and the distance between them.
At this point in Ida’s life, she feels it is important to surround herself with people who care for her and love her. She spends a lot of time with her family, and wanted the opportunity to connect with her remaining pen pal before it is too late.
Ida traveled with her daughter-in-law, Debbie, to Queen Creek, AZ to finally meet her dear friend Peg. The women smiled through tears as they first saw each other. They spent countless hours reminiscing about letters and stories they shared over the ten years they have been corresponding. Ida was overjoyed to finally meet her pen pal in person, and will cherish this visit forever.
Ida’s wish was fulfilled through collaboration between Philips Lifeline and Wish of a Lifetime. Together the organizations are empowering three deserving older adults to achieve their dreams by granting their greatest wishes.