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John Meets Robin Roberts

John W, 70, is a retired police officer from Baltimore, Maryland. In August 2007 John was diagnosed with cancer. It was that same August that Robin Roberts, the Good Morning America producer and anchor, was diagnosed with breast cancer and chose to remain on the air while in treatment. Subsequently, John and Robin followed the same timeline for surgeries, chemo and recovery. When John often turned to Robin for support, and found strength watching her face the same difficulties. John greatly admired Robin’s strength and bravery.

It became John’s Wish of a Lifetime to meet and thank Robin for all the support she unknowingly gave him. Wish of a Lifetime is very happy to announce that this August, John and his wife, Dotty, traveled to New York and met Robin on the set of Good Morning America. John had the opportunity to talk to Robin one-on-one about their stories. He described meeting Robin as, “one of the most amazing experiences of his life.”


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