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Janet Reunites with Sisters for 77th Birthday

Janet just turned 77, and all she wanted for her birthday was to see her sisters together one last time. Janet grew up with nine siblings and only four sisters are currently still living. She and Rose reside in Colorado, Nancy in California and Nona in Kansas City.

Janet spends almost all of her time in her assisted living apartment in Wheatridge. She has very weak knees and depends on her walker to get around. She has heart problems, suffers from osteoarthritis, and is a breast cancer survivor.

Due to finances and health, it has been hard for the sisters to get together. Janet is unable to travel far because of her conditions. Janet hasn’t seen Nancy since 2004 or Nona since 1996. It’s been 10 years since she last saw her niece Sara. Her wish of a lifetime was to see her sisters one more time.

Janet saw her wish fulfilled when Nancy, Nona and Sara flew in to Denver the day before her birthday. While waiting for them to arrive, Wish of Lifetime staff heard stories from Janet’s childhood and looked at family photos. Janet was born and raised in Colorado and has loved living here. She proudly showed off the oil paintings that her sister Nancy had painted for her and joked that she herself could only do paint by numbers.

The first time Janet’s phone rang, she had thought it was her sisters and niece. It turned out to be her sister Rose wondering when they were coming over. She was anxiously waiting and told stories as time passed by. The second time her phone rang, it was her sisters and niece. Janet’s face lit up the moment her family knocked on her door. The sisters have a special bond that was apparent the moment they were reunited. It’s as if they have never been apart from each other.

During the visit, they went to a birthday party at her niece’s house to celebrate Janet’s and her great nephew’s birthday since they shared it. Unfortunately, the day after the party Janet took ill. It was a bittersweet moment for the family and showed how important it was for the sisters to see each other again.

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