Juliana is 76-years-old and has lived in her home in Denver for over 20 years. Her 54-year-old son lives with her and does odd jobs to make a living. Juliana has lupus and has had 3 major back surgeries throughout her life. Her wish of a lifetime was to travel to San Diego to visit her granddaughter, her 3-year-old great grandson, George, and her 6 month old great granddaughter whom she has never met before.
Juliana hasn’t traveled by plane in over 20 years and was very excited and excited and thankful when Wish of a Lifetime helped grant her wish by providing her the trip to San Diego. Her flight took off at 7:05 a.m. on July 26th and she said she didn’t think she’d sleep at all the night before because she was so excited to go! She said that Jeremy has a huge heart, given what he’s doing for older adults, and we couldn’t agree more!!