Nick, 90, enlisted in the Army Air Corps in 1944 and served 22 months stationed in Erlangen, Germany. After he finished his service, Nick worked for the remainder of his career in retail real estate. He moved around a lot during this time, living in several different cities in New York, Maryland, New Jersey, and Vermont. During this time, the one constant in Nick’s life was football. During all of the transferring and moving around, there was always a game for him to watch on TV no matter where he was. Nick said that he has always just watched the game on TV, but longed to be at the stadium, in the crowd, cheering on the team.
After he moved to Florida, the Dolphins became “his team.” He never misses a game and can often be found in his room watching the pre-games and pre-season on TV. It has been Nick’s wish since he was a young man to see a game in person, but he has always pushed his own needs aside for his career, family, and later on, his wife’s illness. Since the loss of his wife and as he gets older, Nick has been wanting to pursue his dream more and more. He had never been to a professional sports game of any kind and wanted to do this for himself. He believed that this Wish would let others know that, yes, family and career are important—but having fun experiences for yourself is also just as crucial!
Thanks to Brookdale Senior Living and Wish of a Lifetime, Nick’s wish came true. He and his grandson, Alec, went to the Miami Dolphins game against the 49ers. Nick had an incredible time at the game, and the Dolphins were able to make a win!
Photo Credits: AK Digital