Born in the quaint town of McAlester, Oklahoma in 1927, Patricia made an enduring mark on Jim, a young, dashing broadcaster from Castle Oklahoma. From their first meeting in a local café, to their wedding on September 2, 1947, Jim and Pat set out on an adventure. Jim was a self made man who had a passion for broadcasting and relied on work ethic and perseverance to found his own AM radio station in Grants Pass, Oregon, KAJO 1270. KAJO first signed on in 1957 and has been going strong ever since. Jim passed away in 2005, but KAJO 1270 still lives on under the ownership of Jim and Patricia’s son Carl.
Now 86 years old and residing at Clare Bridge of Highlands Ranch, Patricia dreams of reliving fond memories of family and friends in Grants Pass. She would love to return to the business that has been so good to her and her family and share some time in the studio with her son Carl.
Jim spent a lot of time in the studio. The station, in the beginning, had only three employees. Patricia’s time was occupied raising her three children, Carl, Matt, and Sarah, going to church, and volunteering. Patricia was a member of the Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO) for over 50 years. PEO International describes itself as a “Sisterhood that exists to be a source of encouragement and support for women to reach their potential in whatever worthwhile endeavor they choose.” PEO has aided more than 90,000 women in the form of grants, loans, stewardships and special projects. This organization has been very near and dear to Patricia’s heart and she still keeps in touch with her friends from PEO in Grants Pass.
Patricia recently moved into Brookdale’s Clare Bridge, which specializes in early stage dementia care. Even though the effects of dementia have been difficult on Patricia, she remains the same loving and caring person. Her recent diagnosis has not stopped her living life to its fullest. Wish of a Lifetime and Brookdale were honored to grant Patricia’s wish by sending her back to Grants Pass on June 2nd, to spend time in the studios with her son Carl and renew old memories. She traveled with her daughter Sarah and her granddaughter Carolyn.