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June Returns to Bozeman

When June’s daughter, Jenny, asked June what her Wish of a Lifetime would be, she immediately responded “to visit Montana.” Felicia “June” Y., 90, resides in Poland, Ohio, and dreams of visiting close family and friends in Bozeman. With the help of Wish of a Lifetime, June reunited with family and friends after nine long years in the summer of 2015.

June has dreamed about visiting Bozeman since her husband passed away nine years ago. The couple spent several summers in Montana, making many memories and friends. June wants to go back to the diner at The Inn On the Gallatin, and relive memories of when she, her husband, and their friends would gather and share stories. June dreams of revisiting places she and her husband used to visit, and would love to see the beautiful mountain scenery again before she loses her vision to macular degeneration. Not only would June be able to relive many happy memories in Bozeman, but also visit her son and his wife, who she rarely has the opportunity to visit.

June has volunteered at two churches for part of her life– the Old North Baptist Church and the Bethel Friends Church. June taught Bible school and helped in the kitchen. Whenever and wherever the church needed her, she was there to help. June also spent twenty years working at a local K-Mart, supporting and taking care of her sister and husband, who sadly passed away from cancer. Throughout her life, June has done her best to always help those in need.

As a result, Wish of a Lifetime sent June and her daughter, Jenny, to Bozeman from August 3 through August 10, 2015. Here, June relived happy memories one last time, and reconnected with old friends and family. June’s grandson even came out to Bozeman to complete June’s visit! The Inn on the Gallatin set up a special table with flowers for June and warmly welcomed her back to their diner. June said she had a very nice visit, and hopes many others will have the opportunity to experience their Wish of a Lifetime. June can’t wait to show her friends in Ohio the pictures from her wish!

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